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Everything you need to know about your responses

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Written by Heyflow
Updated over 2 weeks ago

In this article, you'll learn everything about responses, when they are triggered, how they can be modified, data privacy, exporting them and so much more.

Heyflow screenshot - tag options

This article covers:


As soon as a user clicks on a submit button, their data inputs are saved and sent to your CRM or any other tool via your response handlers and saved in the responses tab in your flow.

Response Overview

The default overview is our list view, where you can see one response at a time. On the top you can find three functions:

  • Copy ID: Copying the unique identifier of the response.

  • Trigger: Trigger the integrated response handlers again for an individual response.

  • Delete: Delete the response completely from our servers.

You can also select multiple responses to delete more responses at once or export them in a CSV file. You can also select the information you want to display as preview in the list overview of your responses and sort them by submission time.

🔎 If you want to change the label of your questions, you need to change the system label in your input blocks. You can find more information here.

🔎 The submission time is automatically updated by your local time zone (which is defined by your browser's time zone).

Data Privacy

In regard to data privacy, with the Sensitive Tag, Heyflow is going the extra mile when it comes to GDPR-friendly data collection. It’s a simple toggle that allows you to decide which data you don’t want to have stored on Heyflow’s servers.

To make it even easier for you to comply with GDPR regulations, we have introduced a new toggle in the flow settings. This feature enables automated mass deletion of all user data after a specified period of time, ensuring hassle-free management of user information. Learn more about it here.

Heyflow screenshot - tag options

List vs. Table view

To show your responses, you can select between a list and a table view by changing the view on the top right.

The list view gives you a detailed overview of one response, whereas the table view shows you a more general overview of all responses. In both views, you can sort the responses by submissions time and use filters, e.g. adding a period or showing responses based on conditions.

Adding a period (date range)

Adding a period allows you to only show responses in a certain time range.

Adding condition(s)

Also, you can add a condition, e.g. that a certain input should contain only specific answers or is empty. You can even add multiple conditions using and & or connectors to filter your responses more in detail.

Export all responses

You can download all data of your heyflow at once in a CSV file. Comma-separated values (CSV) is a text file format in which commas are used to separate individual values and newlines are used to separate different records.

When you want to open the file in another tool, e.g. Excel or Sheets, make sure to import it, so you can individually set up the separator type.


Some inputs are missing in my response

If certain inputs are missing in your response, pinpoint where exactly the missing data occurs. If the data is missing from the beginning of the flow, it could be due to:

  • A user reloading the flow in the middle of the process.

  • A user switching from an in-app browser (e.g., Instagram) to another browser on the same device.

To prevent this behavior, update the User Behavior settings in your flow to enable Force Start on 1st Screen and Restore Data. This ensures that users are guided back to the beginning of the flow while retaining any previously entered data.

I receive multiple responses for the same lead

If you’re seeing multiple responses for the same lead within a short time frame, it’s likely that the user clicked the submit button multiple times to send their data.

To prevent this behavior, activate the Single Submit feature in the flow settings under User Behavior. This ensures that users cannot submit their response more than once. Any further clicks on submit buttons will be ignored.

💡 Tip: To reassure users their submission was successful, consider adding a (personalized) Thank You page after submission. This can confirm their data was received and reduce unnecessary clicks. For more details, check out our Best Practices.

I receive more data in one response than expected

If your responses contain more data than anticipated, it may be due to users navigating back to a different path in your flow and entering data there. Conditional Logic in your flow can save data from both paths, resulting in a response that appears larger than expected.

To prevent this behavior, activate the Reset on Navigation feature in the flow settings under User Behavior. This resets the user's inputs on the screen they are leaving when they navigate back. As a result, only the data from the correct path is saved in the response.

💬 If you need help with this or have other questions, please contact our support team via the chat bubble in the bottom right corner or email [email protected].

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