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Account & Settings

Learn everything about your account settings.

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Written by Heyflow
Updated over a week ago

Why is a business email required to sign up for the free trial?

Heyflow is built for businesses. To ensure a seamless trial experience, uphold the highest security standards, and avoid unintentional sign-ups, please use your business or company email address.

For example, an email is considered non-business, whereas an email qualifies as a business address.

πŸ’¬ We understand that not everyone has access to a company email. If you'd like to start a trial but don't have a business email, please reach out to us for support via the chat or [email protected].

How can I use SSO to log in?

We offer Single Sign-On (SSO) via Google for a seamless login experience.

If your account is verified, you can log in with Google, linking your account automatically. If not verified, logging in with Google may overwrite your credentials. To access both Google and email login options, click "Forgot password." Once you receive the email from Heyflow, set a new password, and you'll be able to log in using either method.

How can I change my email?

Send us an e-mail to [email protected] from your current account email address and tell us the email address you want to use for your login. You'll also receive all transactional emails, like errors in your integations. We do not accept change requests via our chat.
If you're looking to change your billing email address, it is usually the same as the account email. We can also manually change the billing email address for you or add more recipients beside the account email to be able to receive the invoices.

How can I change my password?

In case you want to change your password, go to your account by clicking on the icon in the upper right corner. Within the General tab, there is an option to reset your password. Click on that button, and we will send out an email to your account email address to enable you to reset your password.

In case you forgot your password when logging in, just click on the Forgot? button or here. Next, you can insert your email address and you'll now receive an email with a password reset link. Please note: the link is only valid for 20 minutes.

Set a new password with at least 8 characters. That's it, you have successfully changed your password. Now you can log back in and continue working on your flows.

❗ Whenever you change your password, you get logged out automatically on other devices once you refresh the page.

How can I change my billing address?

If you want to set up a different billing address, go to your account settings and head to the Billing tab. Now you can edit your billing address.

How can I change the language settings?

In case you want to update your language, you need to head to your account settings. You can now select the language in the General tab and choose between German and English.

How can I transfer flow ownership?

When you set up your account, your email address is automatically set as the account owner.

In case you need to change the email address associated with your account, please contact our Support Team via the chat bubble in the bottom right corner and provide the new email address. Alternatively, you can also send an email to [email protected].

Please note that we can only accept change requests from the account owner.

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