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Release Notes August 2024

See what we released this month - all features, bug fixes and other improvements

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Written by Heyflow
Updated over a week ago

🌟 Release Highlights

New features and big updates

  • Flow Live Preview Improvements: We improved the loading behavior of the Live Preview in the builder. Previously, making multiple edits quickly could cause the preview to fall out of sync with your changes. With our latest update, edits are now applied sequentially, ensuring that the preview reliably reflects your edits in real time and you can live test your flows as you build them.

📈 Other improvements

Smaller changes that will improve your Heyflow experience

  • Analytics dashboard: The date selection is now easier and more intuitive.

  • Links block: It’s now possible to add URL parameters when adding a link in the Links block (passing variables is not yet possible.

  • Stripe block: The block now comes with the default button text “Pay now” and success message “Payment successful” when adding it to a flow.

🐞 Bug fixes

Temporary technical issues that have been resolved

  • Outdated Google fonts have been updated.

  • Resolved an issue where we were scrolling a textarea block into view instead of to the top of the incoming screen.

  • Corrected the response tab preview when no system label is set.

  • Fixed integration mapping styling.

  • Label placement in the phone block on iOS 12 now works again as expected.

  • Fixed navigation to the design tab from blocks inside containers.

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