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The separator block is a tool to shape your flow and add spacing between the other building blocks.

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Written by Heyflow
Updated over 11 months ago

With the separator block, you can easily create some visual space between elements of your heyflow. You can choose a blank field or a separating line between the blocks. Just see what suits your design better. With the padding, you can adapt the size and thickness of the element, according to your needs.

Edit Options


  • Show line: Toggle to show a separating line.


  • Width: You can use this to adjust the maximum spread of the block and choose between S, M, L and maximum width.

  • Top, Bottom, Left and Right: You can use these options to set the distance to all sides. To do this, either use the slider or specify the exact number of pixels.


  • Visibility: Here you can select whether the block is only displayed in the mobile or desktop version or whether it is hidden completely.

  • Background colour: You can select a colour to be used as the background for the block.

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